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    Portugal is the 3rd most peaceful country in the world!

    Europe remains the most peaceful region in the world, with 8 of the 10 most peaceful countries on the continent. However, while 21 of the 34 countries improved, the average ranking of peace.


    Portugal is the 3rd most peaceful country in the world!

    The Global Peace Index 2017, published on 01 June, Portugal as the third most peaceful country in the world.
    According to GPI, Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008.



    At the bottom of the index, i.e., the last position there was little change. Syria remains the least peaceful country in the world, followed by Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan and Yemen.

    Europe remains the most peaceful region in the world, with 8 of the 10 most peaceful countries on the continent. However, while 21 of the 34 countries improved, the average ranking of peace.
    These are consequences related to corruption in political elites, increasing inequalities in wealth, freedom of the press, and respect for human rights.
    For all of these reasons make Portugal a "paradise" country.


    Well come to Paradise"


